petek, 29. maj 2015

We're voting about the future of WWE?

OK, this is interesting now!

WWE has votes, polls, surveys,... basically they're crowd-sourcing the material to write their stories around. And here's one of them: Who is the true future of WWE?

Sure, polls like that could show, who's popular and who's not and since this is the entertainment industry, the popular should make money - right, so go for the popular.

But today it's a bit different - isn't it?

A kid with a computer at home, a tablet, a smart phone and two friends could simply be worth 9 votes in the poll, but not a single ticket bought, not a single pay-per-view package purchased and not a single WWE Network subscription made... while a (at least semi-) grown-up person, who couldn't care less about the poll, will pay the ticket and riot at the next Royal Rumble.

So there will be two different kinds of results - and which one should WWE listen too?

I'm sure they'll smart enough and they'll listen to the kids, as those kids will grow older and will pay for merchandise in the near future and will persuade their parents to buy stuff. It's what keeps selling Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior! Were it not for us loving and idolising them as kids, there would be no nostalgia now, no want for keeping their memory.

I wonder if in 10 years The Rock and Stone Cold will have the same recognition and power to attract as Hulk still has?

But still, I must say, I'd wish Bray would be much higher, because it is in him and Ambrose that I really see the future of WWE.
I'd also love to see one of the divas higher, but that's not going to happen soon - sorry Paige!

So what do you think? Who is the true future of WWE? Vote at the official poll and see the results thus far, and feel free to comment right here!

And in the meantime, keep following.

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